Alice Rose is an internationally recognised coach, writer, speaker and fertility communications consultant who helps women in the throes of infertility or loss to go from feeling lost, isolated, stuck, angry or scared to self-compassionate, emotionally intelligent, supported, free and confident.

Awarded ‘Most Supportive’ (The Worst Girl Gang Ever audience) and featured in national and global press (Red, BBC, Stylist, The Telegraph, Harpers Bazaar) Alice is also a campaigner for better fertility communication with her work included at the Fertility Show (London, Birmingham); the Barbican and consulting with the BBC, Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESHRE and Ferring Pharmaceuticals in global social campaigns and international workshops on better fertility patient care.

Alice has written for and been mentioned in multiple blogs and books (Ask me His Name; Big Fat Negative; The Worst Girl Gang Ever) and her podcast Fertility Life Raft has been recommended by Fearne Cotton; the Hi Lo Podcast; featured in the press, chosen for the Global Media Player and has received hundreds of positive reviews.

Alice spent 15 years in London, UK until she finally said farewell and returned to the gorgeous, mystical Wiltshire countryside where she now lives with her fam and can be found drinking coffee; kitchen dancing and reading books (preferably one after the other, daily).

Alice is the founder of The Fertility Life Raft and has made it her life's mission to ensure that anyone, anywhere can get the expert, specialised and instant support needed when trying to bring a baby home. .

My Fertility Story (external…)

Married Si in 2012

2013-2015: The TTC years: one surgery to remove a uterine fibroid; 10 rounds of Ovulation Induction and one successful round of IVF to have my first daughter.

Throughout this whole process, I wrote everything down on my laptop from the first week we started trying. Every feeling, every detail.

My Fertility Story, internal…

2013: obsessed, stressed, full of fear, neurotic. Hours on Google, strange forums searching for stories. Numerous cancelled NHS appointments. Referred to counselling. Desperate for certainty. 

2014: Discovered self development. Nutrition. Connected to my inner self for the first time in forever.

2015-2016: Living life with joy, abundance, freedom and external and internal peace and success while also being a human, crying and grieving at failed cycles AND knowing I would be OK whatever happened.

First baby born in December 2016.

2017: Maternity Leave. Burning desire to help others after learning such life changing ways to navigate a fertility journey.

The Fertility Life Raft

Sooooo, what was the best way to tell other people about something? Social media!

Then it all sort of…snowballed.

I didn’t plan this you know, it just sort of happened, until eventually it became my full-time job and I quit my other one.

This is how it went…

Some of the places I've been mentioned, written for, worked with...

I strongly believe you will be in a perfect headspace to make decisions about which fertility experts you want to invest time and money with, if you choose to work on your mindset first. Do it this way round and you will make clearer, more confident decisions.

Take the first step

So the big question is: are you ready to start changing your life?! (I KNOOOOW that's bold...but this stuff changed mine OK?)

Try my free 5 minute reset meditation.

Not a meditator? You're in good company!

When I asked my Instagram followers if they meditated, 65% said no (out of 547 responses) - BUT 83% said they would consider it.

That's why I make content which is perfect whether you've meditated before or not; whether you're an expert at witnessing your thoughts or completely new to the concept.

"I've always avoided meditating as I can never settle & quiet my busy mind. However within the first minute I was completely fixed on your voice & crying my eyes out... I feel a million times better now though"

I provide a comforting hand to guide you through the complex emotions and feelings you have around trying to bring home a baby and bring you to a place of feeling validated, stronger and more in control.

Riding the Waves

An Irregular Newsletter of Inspiration

I write to you from time to time with things that inspire me to ride the waves of life with self compassion, awareness, humour and sometimes a chocolate hobnob (a biscuit, for my non-UK friends. A very good one.)

Ride the waves with me.

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