Welcome to the most compassionate, comprehensive solution to navigating a fertility experience

Community; resources for every stage and regular live support

We exist to make the world of fertility better.

Much, much better.

We are here to revolutionise the fertility experience for women all over the world.



Stuck or left behind

No one gets it

Overwhelmed with information

Wondering why it’s happening to you 



Doing all the things


Questioning what to do next

I did. 

I was in a terrible place to actually absorb the information I needed; make good decisions; stay connected to friends and family and just live my life.

I was constantly scared to hear pregnancy announcements; didn’t know how to cope when people asked me when I was having a baby and had no control AT ALL when it came to my incessant googling, symptom spotting and second guessing.

It was torturous and no one could tell me exactly what I should do to get out of it.

It was through focusing on the connection to mySELF that things changed.

Here’s what you’ll find most online fertility support offers:

💰 Wildly expensive online programs selling mindset work which will ‘increase your chances’ costing thousands with no guarantee (hey - sometimes paying thousands is worth it BUT a lot of times, it’s just, well...not)

😨 Good programs which might have great content but then leave you without the ongoing support, information or resources you need for the next steps (there are always next steps) so then you have to piece together your own support network and info; but no one is using the same stuff so it’s all a bit of a MESS and adds to a feeling of overwhelm and exhaustion.

🏆 Courses or programs which only focus on a ‘successful outcome’ without nuance or properly addressing fears so that you end up handing over your cash, making a courageous decision to trust whoever the teacher is, only to find if it doesn’t work for you, there’s no provision for this result. You’re back where you started, out of pocket, wondering what you did wrong and completely lost - again

🤷🏽‍♀️ Programs that only focus on IVF without mentioning different fertility treatment or acknowledge people who are trying without assisted reproductive technology/going through surrogacy/donor conception/adoption

Not here.

Not with the Fertility Life Raft™.

I KNOW from personal and professional experience that there is a MUCH BETTER WAY of going through a fertility voyage. 

Yes. I said voyage.

You are on a voyage, you are a VOYAGER and it’s on this voyage, with me as your Self-Compassion Captain and an INCREDIBLE band of crew members on board the good ship Fertility Life Raft, that you WILL succeed, because we focus on YOU, the human, so whatever happens: you succeed because we focus on holistic versions of success. 

No one is left behind on the Life Raft.

Each on their own path. Each uncovering their own way through.


Neuroscientific studies show that when you’re happier: you make better life choices.

When you’re overwhelmed, stuck, sad, lonely, isolated and scared, it’s really really hard to: 

process fertility information

pick yourself up after disappointments

absorb shock, confusion or anger after unexpected twists and turns

deal with insensitive comments/rubbish medical care or pregnancy announcements


make empowered, clear decisions to therefore:

Get to where you want to get to, faster.

No one wants to be in this boat - we know. 

That’s why we do all we can, to not just make this voyage safer; more gentle and (although you’ll doubt this before you join!) more full of joy, fun and growth

We ALSO want to help you sail on as quickly as you possibly can.


You're making enough decisions as it is. Allow this one to be simple.

🌟 I offer brand new courses, support and experts in emotional wellness, mindset, expert fertility information you can trust PLUS specialised support for you if you get pregnant while you’re on board the Life Raft (entirely separate space so you won’t see it unless you want to) for every stage of the voyage. You will consistently have up to date, researched and curated support. 🌟

🌟 MONTHLY expert live coaching calls so you can get the right support for where you're at. 🌟

🌟 Binge our content like a Netflix marathon if you like or take your courses and workshops slowly at your own pace. 🌟

🌟 Community of DREAMS. We closely moderate our group to ensure a focus on mindset and wellbeing without details of medical drug protocols/numbers of eggs retrieved etc. You can connect without comparisons.

(No *sticky vibes/baby dust or weird acronyms allowed!) 🌟

🌟 Dedicated channels for conversations on specific experiences like: secondary infertility, male factor, LGBTQIA+, early stages and more. 🌟

All for a ridiculously affordable price.

It is time to join our crew and transform this voyage. 

Welcome to a more generous, inclusive and compassionate way to do fertility.

You'll get the complete library of Fertility Life Raft resources, including the foundation of Life Raft living, the one and only

Fertility Life Raft™ Framework - unavailable anywhere else.

The Life Raft Framework supports every voyager's experience, whatever it ends up looking like.

The coaching Framework has been created to learn, practice and use for life - an internal compass to guide you through any experience, including:








Here's a sneak peek at what's inside...














Jennifer Elworthy

Fertility and Career Coach and Expert

Dr. Rosie Khan

Coach and Clinical Hypnosis

Dr. Sula Windgassen

Health Psychologist, CBT Therapist, EMDR Therapist

Lucy Lines

Independent Embryologist and Fertility Educator

Suzy Reading

Chartered Pyschologist

and Author

Gemma Griffiths

Fertility Yoga teacher, Founder Align2Yoga

Stevie B

Celebrity Stylist and Body
Acceptance Mentor

Aisha Carrington

Sound and meditation

Big Fat Negative

Gabby & Emma: Podcast hosts and authors

Zoe Clark Coates

Award winning charity CEO, best-selling author, business leader, grief expert and TV presenter.

Mr James Nicopoullos

Clinical Director

Lister Fertility Clinic


Adam Martin: Poet, Creator of GABA podcast, Meditation that unfolds like a beautiful dream

Becky Kearns

Donor Mum, support for TTC, IVF and Donor Conception. Founder of Paths to Parenthub

Sarah Holland

Fertility EFT Coach

The Fertile Mindset

Miss Conception Coach

Chiemi Rajamahendran

Infertility Trauma & Loss Support Specialist

Tessa Custers

Female sexuality and Intimacy Coach

Lauren Barber

Mentor, Creative Alchemist and Space Holder

Isik Tlabar

Empowerment coach and breathwork facilitator

Hannah Pearn

Fertility acupuncturist and educator

Dr Belinda Coker

Experienced GP and executive medical director and Founder, Your Trusted Squad

Antonia: Tamed Minds

Mind Calm Meditation Specialist

Helen Snape

Award winning Healthy Relationships Coach

Melanie Brown

Nutritionist: Female Fertility, Male Fertility

Alice Rose

Mindset Mentor and Transformational Coach

Helen Davenport-Peace

Yoga Teacher & Fertility Support nurturing women/men on fertility journeys

Fertility Matters at Work

Raising awareness of fertility issues in the workplace

Alex Williams

The PCOS Collective is a non-diet, HAES® informed education hub for people with PCOS


"The Life Raft made a huge difference in how I felt in myself, and how I managed all of the different emotions I was feeling.

I honestly can't speak highly enough about it and I recommend you and your work to anyone I know who is going through something similar."

"I was sceptical at first...but this is one of the best things I could have done...

...I’ve gained so much from it.


Finding Alice and subsequently joining the Life Raft was a real turning point for me in my infertility journey...without this I don’t think I’d have the skills I’ve had to try and get me through this really tough time  - and also the next chapter I have ahead. I definitely recommend it”

"The feeling of community and people having your back is priceless."

"I joined the life raft at the start of this year and it has been an absolute life line for me. You are an incredible person Alice and have created such an amazing thing for those struggling with fertility. I will be forever grateful for your support and for the life raft…it made me feel connected for the first time in our 3 year struggle and I was able to not only not feel alone anymore but was armed with tools that got me through so much."

"I just want to say I love this space and the app…it is so good and so much better than shitty Google!!!!"

"The life raft has completely changed my mindset around infertility, the community is so supportive. I look forward to the calls and how they make me feel afterwards. The resources we have access to are amazing."

"This groups has been invaluable for me. I have put into effect lots of the tips and tricks that I have learnt from Alice and I’m really grateful for this safe space. When I feel that the world outside doesn’t understand me, I know I can always come here for support."

"The support of the life raft is truly life changing. I feel seen, held and am so thankful to have the wonderful resources and spaces to pick me up and keep me going throughout this journey. It feels like a hug and is incredible to be part of a community who just get it, when so many in my ‘real’ life struggle to understand. Alice and Lucy you are a dream! Thank you <3"

"I'd have been stuck in a very dark place without the Life Raft. Honestly."

"It is so wonderful having the life raft, I joined after Reclaim last year and couldn't be without it x"

"The life raft has been so helpful 🙌"

"the Life Raft is what keeps me afloat (pun intended!)"

"It changed my life and made me feel safe - and I really want that for you too!"

"I am so grateful to have found the life raft! The support of everyone is so amazing. The mindset work is so inspiring and helpful! Thank you thank you! 🙌😘

I’m so grateful for this community, it has taught me that solidarity and compassion are everything, and that it is possible to reframe how i think about this journey

There are so many fertility-related communities and I feel lucky to have found one that was exactly what I need. It helps me every day, no matter how I am feeling.

I am so grateful for the Life Raft community making me feel less alone, and for reclaiming myself on this journey xx"

"​​The life raft is just the most wonderful support network. It feels like a big hug and is such a relief to be surrounded by people who just get it when it feels like no one else understands how you’re feeling. The value for money is also incredible - access to so many amazing workshops both informative and emotionally supportive. I’m so grateful to have found this community and don’t know what I’d do without it xx"

"I joined the Life Raft which became a constant source of support for me whilst going through treatment and when it sadly didn't work at Christmas time. To have a group of people who understood what I was going through and how I felt (with no judgements!) really was invaluable and I can't put into words how much it helped me get through. I looked forward to the calls and always felt more empowered, educated and happier after them."

"Life Raft is a unique concept and community for mindset motivation and peer support without comparison. The tools have helped me reframe my thoughts and actually have fun again alongside ongoing fertility treatments."

"The Life Raft (and Reclaim) was literally a lifeline for me and I don't think I could've functioned without it."

"It has been my "life raft" since I did reclaim 2 years ago"

"I can't imagine not having this support"

"Life Raft = more support than from friends! everyone gets it x"

"Life raft is the best support ❤️"

"I do feel I would cry at this point if there wasn't the option of the Life Raft - that is your impact Alice!!!"

"I love the Life Raft - my husband says it should be available on the NHS!


🌟 You’re ready to feel supported, learn at your own pace and own your story with self compassion

🌟 You understand there is no race or competition inside the Life Raft 

🌟 You’re able to take ownership and use the Life Raft in a way that works for you


You don’t want to watch online content, learn the Life Raft Framework or connect with others (you need to do at least one of these; all three for maximum benefit!)

You only want 1-1 mental health support

"I was sceptical at first...but this is one of the best things I could have done...

...I’ve gained so much from it.

Finding Alice and subsequently joining the Life Raft was a real turning point for me in my infertility journey...without this I don’t think I’d have the skills I’ve had to try and get me through this really tough time - and also the next chapter I have ahead. I definitely recommend it”

Emily - Life Raft Crew Member

"The Life Raft provides the friendship that’s needed. Unconditional support. I highly recommend. I especially love the feature talks and Alice and the groups unwavering support which is available daily. It van be nerve-wracking to share stuff with strangers but you soon realise everyone has similar struggles and they don’t feel like strangers for long."

"A life Saver"

"The Life Raft is amazing"



"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me space, support, a voice and sense of belonging. It really really turned things around for me so thank you. The most powerful part of the Life Raft has been for me to find pride and compassion for myself rather than the shame and guilt I previously felt about not been able to get pregnant. I also met two incredibly supportive, wonderful women in real life through the group who I think are now forever friends.  

Thank you, thank you"




Why should you learn from me?

I am an internationally recognised, experienced and certified transformative coach, writer, speaker and fertility communications consultant who helps women in the middle of infertility or loss to go from feeling lost, isolated, stuck, angry or scared to self-compassionate, emotionally intelligent, supported, free and confident.

Awarded ‘Most Supportive’ (as voted by The Worst Girl Gang Ever audience) 

Featured in national and global press (Red, BBC, Stylist, The Telegraph, Harpers Bazaar)

Campaigner for better fertility communication - Fertility Show (London, Birmingham); the Barbican and consulting with the BBC (won commission and produced BBC Radio 2 and BBC 5 Live Fertility Week), Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ESHRE and Ferring Pharmaceuticals in global social campaigns and international workshops on better fertility patient care. 

Written for and mentioned in multiple blogs and books

(Including: No One Talks About This Stuff, Ask me His Name; Big Fat Negative; The Worst Girl Gang Ever

My Fertility Life Raft Podcast has been recommended by Fearne Cotton; the Hi Lo Podcast; featured many times in the press, chosen for the Global Media Player with hundreds of positive reviews (yay - let's keep adding to those shall we!).

Chosen as proud partner for Ovum - with instant access to one of my meditations on their pregnancy test boxes available in 340 Sainsbury's stores across the UK and online.

And finally - because I went through my own fertility journey. I get it. Personally and professionally.


You need to know this is a safe place. You need to know your time, money and energy will

be invested well. You need to know this won't just be another thing 'to do'.

I've got you!

I'm going through secondary infertility, is this right for me?

This is a safe place for anyone longing for a baby, no matter the circumstances. We have lots of women in this position who connect through our private chat room to share the specific difficulties secondary infertility brings. The whole group works on mindset, release work and inner self compassion continuously, so the energy in the space - whether on our calls or the community in our app - is incredibly supportive, kind and understanding.

How often are the live support calls? What if I can't make them?

At least one live coaching call per month with weekly live calls supporting you when we run a course for the community or have guest expert sessions. We also facilitate weekly peer-led calls for connection and accountability. Everything is recorded.

I live in Australia/the US/somewhere that's not the UK. Is that a problem?

Not at all! We have a beautiful global community and I love that so many members are based all over the world.

I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm just not sure it's for me?

If you're feeling pulled towards something; ready for a change and there's even just an inkling that this could be the start of it...come and see what it's like. It is a warm, safe place focussed on positive and gentle self compassion. If you ever feel like you're not sure where to start, we are a very friendly bunch - so all you need to do is reach out. We'll be there. Four Tops style. (Is that cultural reference still remotely viable?!).

Can't I just get all this from free FB groups, YouTube and Google?

Wellll, you could probably find lots of good stuff out there, sure. Or you could know that every piece of content in the Life Raft is curated and crafted for you straight from the heart; in a place like no other! This really is a magical community with the most beautiful tapestry of offerings. It's not just a load of fertility advice. You're a human being and we cater for that human-ness holistically and with soul.

Is this just for women?

While we're VERY aware of the desperate need for better support for men, at the moment the Life Raft is just for women.

I'm in a same sex relationship/doing this solo/going through donor conception/have male factor infertility/have never been through treatment/have experienced baby loss - is this for me?

Yes. The Raft is for anyone trying to bring home a baby and we have private chat rooms for you to connect with others going through similar experiences. The focus is not on treatment and while we do connect with others we protect the energy of the group with clear guidelines on how to use the space!

What is the committment?

We highly encourage you to join for the six months because The Life Raft teaches you a framework you can use for every stage of your fertility voyage, so whatever happens for you throughout your time with us, it’s relevant and we are consistently bringing new resources to you depending on what our members need. That's why we've created such a brilliantly valuable six month option. We also continue to look after you if you get pregnant with a dedicated pregnancy group, resources and calls. If you want to try it out for a month you can leave or upgrade at any time.

What if I get pregnant?

We have a private group space called The Compass with our dedicated community manager, Beth; live calls and resources growing every month. It's an amazing positive and compassionate group for anyone pregnant after fertility or loss.

Wait, I really don’t want to see anything pregnancy related or any announcements, is it a completely safe space?

The Life Raft is a completely safe space. Pregnancy announcements are not allowed in the main group and we keep any support for pregnant life raft members completely separate (while at the same time doing all we can to give you the tools you need to dismantle triggers.)


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

ok. That was a lot of info. Let's pause.

Take a breath...

Consider what is MOST going to support you now on this voyage of yours.

What if it was simple?

What if the priority was switched to your wellness and daily peace - perhaps even happiness- so that you can use that magic neuroscientific hack and access the best part of your brain, the bit that works really, really well because you feel supported, safe and happy in yourself. 

The content in the Life Raft is comprehensive, sure.

But this stuff doesn’t have to take you hours and hours a day.

It just needs to be higher up your priority list. 

Your emotional wellness, self compassion, self care, self worth - that’s the bit we have to give the highest attention to. 

Just imagine for a moment that it works. 

Wouldn’t that be life changing? Not just for now… but forever?