5 Days to Fresh


If you feel mentally and emotionally exhausted by a fertility journey, this super simple audio course offers you the healing power of rest, self compassion and nurture.


If you're going through fertility treatment, or you're experiencing a difficult path to parenthood, I don't need to tell you how all consuming this experience is: you're living it.

You already know it can affect your confidence, motivation and mental well-being; because you don't feel like the same person you were before you started all this.

I certainly didn't.

And if you are anything like me, you have probably done hours of research and looked at every possible thing you could try - because you are used to being able to figure things out for yourself.

But in the middle of trying to figure it all out, I ended up feeling totally drained, making me feel even more out of control and frustrated.

I got to a point where the idea of going through another round of treatment, or even just trying to conceive without the needles, scans, and blood tests felt like the biggest mountain to climb.

How would I manage it? How would I cope? How would I find the motivation, the energy to just keep going?


To cut a long story short, I poured myself into my well being. I read about it, I practiced daily tasks, I became slightly addicted to my new way of living... because it started to make me feel so much more gentle with myself.

It gave me back control, energy, motivation. It didn't stop me feeling sad, or stop any of the feelings that we (as humans) feel.

It just gave me the tools to be able to know what to do about them all.

I was a changed woman... and this was well before I knew how my own story would end.

My passion now is to help others find the same energy and the best news is that it really doesn't need to take much time to feel so much better.

That is why I've created this. A truly accessible, easy to implement mini course for anyone who needs rest, self compassion and nurture; leading to a remarkably fresh mindset even if you really don't think that's possible...


For the princely sum of £10, you'll get access to five audio downloads, including a summary transcript to help you remember the daily prompts and tasks.

The final day includes a 'Call to Courage' meditation, designed to come back to again and again whenever you need to get back into a really confident, motivated mindset.

In fact, the whole course can be used forever once you've bought it. So once you've been through the steps, you can come back to Day 1 and start again, whenever you feel in need of a fresh start.

5 DAYS TO FREsh - testimonials

"I have just bought your new course. L.O.V.E!!

Thank you Alice for the gentle invitation, it's just the little nudge in the right direction that I needed and rather than fearing it, dreading it or seeing it as a dark chore I'm actually feeling excited as I sit here putting pen to paper...thank you xxx"

"I saved the course to do during my two week wait. I felt stuck and full of fear and knew I needed support. Alice’s calm and friendly voice was exactly what I needed. With each session I could feel I was gaining control of my thoughts, which meant I was able to try and focus on doing things that made me happy rather than just worrying."

"Hi. I don’t normally like doing meditation things as I am rubbish at relaxing, but last night I tried your 5 mins of calm and it was great. I am on day 6 of gonal f and needed a bit of calm. Your voice is so calming too. Thank you"

"Thank you for the wonderful work that you do and for putting all this incredible material out there. I was at the end of my rope after almost two years of failure and one miscarriage. We're about to start fertility treatment and I was feeling so incredibly alone...until I could hear you and your guests on your podcast getting real about it, validating my fears and giving me hope that even in the event that we can't bring home our own baby, we will survive. Thank you so, so much."

"Yesterday I listened to 7 episodes of your mindset shift course, it really helped calm me down and cope with what was to come today! Thank you."

"What I love about your podcast is the practice and emotional support offered - not just talking about how hard it is (which is also very necessary) but to have the gentle reminders of self love and care; it's a genuine port in a storm and today my daily gratitude includes you and the life raft."

"what I like most is it's simplicity. It's helping me to be able to enjoy everything I have and not focus on what I don't have"

"Thank you so much for doing these courses. You've got a wonderful calming voice. You're perfect for these types of things! x"

"I'm part way through this course and it is fantastic. Your voice is so soothing and reassuring. Thank you."

"I don't know why I'd been waiting to get the course...maybe I thought I didn't need it, I could try to survive on my own. But actually support is there to be taken advantage of and it is fantastic. 3 days in and loving it. Thanks Alice"

"I found going back to the clinic after a cancelled IVF transfer much harder than I thought and it brought up a lot of anxiety; so I started the course. I've just done day 4 on Surrender and it was a big release for me. Thank you."

"Your work is incredible. I can't say it enough. You make IVF a little more bearable."

"the things you do support people so much - you are actually priceless!"

"first day done and thank you, this is just what I needed. My husband told me last night I needed to try and start treating myself like I do my friends. Your advice is beyond helpful and helping me to prepare so much for my fourth donor egg cycle. Thank you again you amazing lady! x"

"dropping the fear has helped me feel like I can plan things and look forward to the future"

"I wish I had this course available earlier. This would have really helped me with post-miscarriage and other infertility set backs; I'm going to repeat the course next week and possibly every month. It's a great refresh and reminder to be kind to myself"

"This has been the year from hell...one miscarriage, hospital admission and stage 4 endo and we're staring down the barrel of IVF. The impact this has taken on my mental health has been more than I could have imagined. I'm a mental health nurse myself and could reel off the things that could help but I have been drowning in sadness, frustration, grief and anger. You speak to me in a way I can't describe. Feeling more hopeful about the future thanks to your podcast - Fertility Life Raft; it really turned out to be just that."

"You are getting me through."



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