for exhausted high achieving women who have lost themselves in the journey

What is RECLAIM?

RECLAIM is an online programme, to show you the exact steps to take to RESET your nervous system, uncover your limitless potential and recover your rock-solid confidence during one of the most challenging and misunderstood experiences out there (even if you're exhausted right now).

I know this sounds bold.

It is possible.

The most compassionate and refreshing course for reclaiming your life while trying to conceive or bring home a baby for Type-A high achieving women who have lost themselves in the journey, led by me, a certified experienced transformative coach with a personal fertility story too.

Who is it For?

You’re super smart; full of plans and dreams and you love to live life to the full.

You have this feeling there’s so much more to you that the world hasn’t yet seen and you’re ready to find new ways to deal with your current situation and feel like you again.

Where you are right now:

You know when you share an update on your journey with friends and they say things like "have you tried putting your legs in the air?" or "hey, my cousin's friend went on holiday and then it just HAPPENED!"

Makes you feel even more isolated doesn't it. I know. I was literally that person. It was infuruating.

Or what about trying to find out all the information and then discovering that there's actually SO MUCH INFORMATION but it's impossible to know what you need to prioritise or what's going to actually work?

Are you just totally bloody EXHAUSTED from trying to do everything right while headlines tell you that you should have started sooner?

Maybe you're actually being told "you're young! You've got plenty of time!" or "you need to lose weight to qualify for funding on the NHS" or "you've got one child at home, just be grateful".

IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A WOMAN (OR MAN!) TRYING FOR A BABY IN 2024! BARBIE SPRINGS TO MIND! You know? The famous Barbie monologue? Anyway, here are some more examples:

You might be:

  • Trying for years to bring home a baby and somewhere along the line with all the pain, the different treatments, the lifestyle changes... you've lost yourself

  • Trying for a few months and feeling ready to swap fear and anxiety about what the future could bring for confidence, energy and hope

  • At a crossroads in your journey and unsure what next steps to take, how to make a decision or deal with people in your life who are finding it hard to support you


Let me show you how RECLAIM will give you the tools and techniques to gently but powerfully change how you feel day to day so that whatever happens, you’re back in the driving seat.

By the end of this course you will:

🌟 Have a brand new outlook on your life and what’s happening in it while feeling validated and heard

🌟 Have a raft of tools, ideas and things to actually DO when everything seems to be going wrong so that you’ve always got something to fall back on

🌟 Eliminate comparison with others so that you’re only focussing on your own path; in turn helping to dismantle the power that triggers like pregnancy announcements or difficult comments can hold over you so you start reclaiming (see what I did there?!) the power for yourself

🌟 Own your story so you start living, thriving and rediscovering your unlimited potential for success, fulfilment and contentment, whatever happens in your path to parenthood

🌟 Have a warm, solid group to come to when you’re feeling rocky, having a particularly challenging day or wondering how you can carry on: we will have your back and help you get through

🌟 Feel secure, creative and assertive so you feel able to self-advocate for yourself at work, your fertility clinic or within your personal relationships and take up the space you are absolutely born to take up

it has made such a difference to my life

"Reclaim came at exactly the right time for me. It has transformed the way I think and in turn I truly believe it will change my life. I can't wait to continue putting everything I have learnt into practice! I am so grateful for Alice's passion, devotion and dedication to this course. What a wonderful six weeks!"

"Reclaim has made such a difference to my life and happiness, and I cannot thank you enough - not just for putting the course together but for everything you've given us in terms of support (and always going the extra mile). I might be going through some difficult challenges, but I think of Reclaim as a really special time in my life - it's been such a positive, uplifting, empowering experience. I have learnt so much about myself and how I want to live my life. You have created an amazing thing - which is made even better by your kind, caring, sincere approach. Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxx"

It's phenomenal that mindset

can shift so much

"Reclaim has changed my mindset... where I was at the start of the course and where I am now, the end, is unbelievable. It is phenomenal that mindset can shift so much in just six weeks. The content is fantastic and it’s all downloadable so I can go back to it whenever I want!

From Module 1 with the daily check in and the Life Raft I began to realise that instead of doing yoga or meditation because I “should" as these are "things to help you relax" I actually began to ask myself how I felt (the feeling wheel is something I always use every morning now!) and what I actually need rather than what I think I should do.

I now actually acknowledge how I am feeling daily and think about what I need from my Life Raft."

"Reclaim has helped me reclaim my life. Towards the end of the course I noticed small feelings of excitement and curiosity appear in my day to day life. Feelings that I haven’t felt in a long time were suddenly resurfacing!

I realised that there are things in my life right now that I am excited about and there is excitement in my future. I am curious to explore myself more and to continue learning more about myself."

"For any one unsure whether Reclaim is for them I’d say go for it, you won’t regret it.

The content is broad, detailed and accessible. Alice, you are an amazing and inspiring woman, I was ready to make changes and your content in Reclaim enabled me to do this".

"Of all the things that we’ve invested in in our fertility journey this is the one thing that has had and will continue to have the biggest impact. It has been enlightening and empowering for me and I could never have imagined the effects.

I know I still have a long way to go with my mindset and our fertility journey but I can honestly say that I now feel hopeful something that I haven’t felt in a very long time and that I have better tools to manage as we continue on our fertility journey.

Anyone on this path will benefit from this course".

What's inside?

Module 1 - Finding Clarity

With support, we can carefully nurture the ability to look at how our experiences are influencing the choices we're making and how to decide what to do about this - whether it needs shifting, or not. We need to do this gently. Fertility is personal and it impacts everyone differently.

You'll discover how to build your own Life Raft. This is your unique, failsafe toolbox catching you at every point, from survival days; self-compassion days and times when you really want to grow.

The Life Raft Concept is my unique system which will be with you now and for the rest of your life.


🌟 Create your Stock Take timeline to help you feel clarity and learn how to create mindful distance from your experience which helps you move forward with ease.

🌟 Build daily habits which together we will cement. This new daily ritual will completely change how you are looking after your mental health and wellbeing to give you a rock steady, unwavering ability to cope with the twists and turns your journey to a baby just keeps throwing at you.

🌟 Create a brand new vision of yourself in the future. Right from the start, you’ll know what we’re working towards so that we move forwards together, with steady, calm and gentle grace and let go of fear, dread and anxiety about what the future might hold in a way that feels really safe, gentle and steady.

Module 2 - Validate, Heal, Release

You feel something negative or difficult to process...maybe it’s jealousy; grief or anger- then you feel guilty or like you’re failing. A double whammy!

In this module, we’ll do deep transformational work so that never again will you squash your feelings down or talk to yourself in a negative way. Never again will you berate yourself for normal, human reactions and responses.

But we don’t stop there! We’re going to get right into that ‘feeling stuck or left behind’ and unravel it, step by step.

By the end of this module, you have clear, actionable steps to take every time you go on social media and feel triggered.


🌟 Learn the details and get into how we can validate and process feelings in order to release them and move forward, growing from our experience instead of getting weighed down

🌟 Have a brilliant new way to get UNSTUCK and create a beautiful mindset shift here so we know how to process that 'left behind' feeling.

🌟 Probably for the first time in a long time, you’re going to experience a new, blissful feeling of peace in acceptance.

Module 3 - Ending Comparison

I found such freedom when I learnt how to do this myself during our many rounds of fertility treatment. This is where really exciting things start to happen in this journey of

reclaiming your life, heart and mind.

We’ll discover a new technique for releasing comparison without ever judging ourselves for doing it in the first place.

We’ll also learn exactly how to manage that apparently elusive balance between staying hopeful for positive results and yet trying to protect our hearts and be realistic.


🌟 Radically shift how you react every time you start to compare your fertility journey with someone else’s

🌟 Find new excitement about your own life, your own gifts and potential

🌟 Have a new tool for practicing being present to retrain your brain from looking outwards and projecting, improving your ability to manage during two week waits; building up to treatment and any time in between

Module 4 - Support and Nourish

Everything in RECLAIM is gentle but powerful. This module looks at all of the ways we can find support and really nourish ourselves. We look at why this can make such a huge difference in not only the way we’re coping with any of the challenges we face when trying to bring home a baby; but in every part of our lives.

We unpick precisely what’s going on with our minds when we try to get through things alone, or we find ourselves struggling to communicate with the people in our lives.


🌟 Learn how to self-advocate whether it’s with your boss, your fertility consultant, the GP receptionist (or your mother-in-law!); no awkward conversations necessary. Just clear, calm communication. This starts with self-worth, self compassion and boundaries.

🌟 A whole lesson in support. Whether you're great at reaching for it and maybe you could look at supporting yourself more fully without the need for outside input OR if you’re someone who really struggles to ask for help and you find vulnerability very difficult, this module will invite you to re-evaluate how you feel about support both internal and external. Forever.

Module 5 - Habits and Deep Change

How are you spending your time? In this module we'll honestly and truthfully explore how to use your time in the way that's best serving your mindset; self compassion; support; personal growth and joy.

After 5 weeks of nurturing happiness and wellbeing (while holding space for the layers of complexity a fertility journey can bring), you're going to really start to feel the massive benefits of showing up for yourself in this way.

You create your habits. With my expert guidance, coaching and mentoring and alongside your fellow Reclaimers, we're going to have a deep and lasting overhaul so you use your time in your best, most FUN and compassionate way.


🌟 Tricks for establishing brilliant daily habits which have knock on positive effects on your mood, energy, relationships (with others and with yourself/your body), work and default happiness setting.

🌟 Expansion exercise: we map out exactly what is preventing you from making genuinely big strides forward in your life and, together, we take the steps to get you to make them (I am so excited for the ‘life wins’ we’re going to hear happening for everyone by this point in the course!)

🌟 Give you a brilliant day starter visualisation to use whenever you need to really have a day you feel super proud of by the end of it; whatever happens externally

🌟 My ‘Move, Eat, Joy’ formula to guide you in making healthy (as in...holistically healthy not just plates of broccoli healthy) choices for your body AND mind. To get your brain and mindset working at its best we have to feed and move properly too.

Module 6 - Making Decisions and Owning Choices

There are always lots of decisions to make during a fertility journey and new ones seem to come up all the time. Everything in our lives, the reality that we are living in (or a big ol' chunk of it at least) is really a series of choices - so how do we know how to make the right ones?

Understanding how to make decisions and own the choices you make confidently, will eradicate so much stress, procrastination and wasted energy, allowing you to live your life fully with freedom and confidence. Ahhhh so good.

We learn about alignment in this lesson; what it is, how it affects every element of your life...and how to get it!


🌟 Stop the Google obsession and reclaim your night wakings! How to reclaim your confidence in your ability to live a full, successful, abundant and meaningful life whatever is happening in your fertility journey

🌟 We give you a comprehensive checklist for your Life Raft Alignment; something to use everytime you feel out of sorts; sad; stuck; demotivated; name it. There’s something there we can use to help you.

🌟 We learn coaching tools to use when you need to find ways to balance life/work/future planning and more so that you’ve got ways you can always move forward (more tricks to stop feeling left behind, stuck or irrelevant)

Bonus Module 7 - Wrap up and reflect

I've led hundreds of people through RECLAIM now and I am so excited to see more shifts, connections made and new chapters beginning when you choose to experience this too.

At the end of the course I invite you to sit back and reflect on how far you've come - can you imagine for a moment what this attention to your brain health could do for learning how to manage your thoughts? Imagine heading into the final months of this year feeling like a completely different person to now?

Imagine what this attention to resetting your nervous system by refocusing energy into your JOY instead of FEAR will do for your stress levels?

Imagine what this high level, coach led and experienced and consistent support will do for your feelings of isolation or frustration at the lack of understanding at work/with your mates/in your family/at the hairdressers?!

How might all of this deeply affect your work choices, fertility decisions, ability to process all the information?

Yep. It's literally life changing and it can start just on the other side of the Sign Up button...

🌟 Bonuses: a plethora of extras 🌟

I'm so delighted to share these incredible bonus classes created EXCLUSIVELY for RECLAIM.

All available immediately, as soon as you sign up.




Exclusive RECLAIM 'Dissolving Comparison' class from Lucy Sheridan (Author of The Comparison Cure) and the only Comparison Coach in the world!




A powerful Meditation class from Mind Calm Meditation Coach and Mind Detox Practitioner Antonia at Tamed Minds .



A gorgeous download from coach and counsellor Kezia Okafor filled with her own powerful affirmations to support your mindset journey.




An incredible yoga nidra from my very own wellness mentor Lauren Barber to send you off into a blissful night of deeply restorative sleep.




A 15 minute yoga session perfect for anyone on this journey from Conception Doula and Fertility Specialist, Helen




An exclusive class on minimilist make up from Kate Dion Makeup; this course is about reclaiming all parts of you- that includes feeling your absolute best inside and out.

Opening ceremony: august 2nd 2024 8pm bst (recorded)


join now and receive 2 X live CALLS



option to go through the course at your own pace


You’ll be invited to download an app to get started on your journey whenever you're ready. You'll get immediate access to the whole course so you can choose to binge it all or go through the content together as a group week by week.

We'll also send you an invitation to our community. Your content and community is all easily accessed through your phone or laptop with a login and password.

The course content and community is hosted away from social media to support your mindset work (social media triggers are real...) and is carefully managed and moderated to keep the focus on your inner work - not your outcome.


  • A proven process from an experienced certified specialist (me - hi!)

  • A curated selection of bonus support from guest experts in wellness and fertility

  • A comprehensive library of resources to use now and in the future for as long as the course lives

  • Lifelong tools to support you through ANY outcome



    An Opening Ceremony live call (held on Zoom), weekly support in the community and a Closing Ceremony live call

    You don't HAVE to take part in the live support but if you are going to love it!

    Live calls are carefully curated, infused with a powerful mix of coaching, compassionate space holding and motivation.

    You can do the whole thing anonymously if you wish and connect with others in the chat on our calls or within our coach-led community (no "sticky baby dust" or weird acronyms allowed!

    The calls are recorded and we always have people joining from all over the world.


    A coach led community on a private app away from social media to support your mindset and wellbeing

    Weekly coaching from me, answering your questions inside the community to make sure you know exactly what you're doing

    Weekly PRIZES to be won when you submit your RECLAIM homework - I'm going to really help you show up for yourself here! Can't wait.

    Private chats to connect with others at similar stages to you

    Checking in to help you move through your content, get the support you need day to day and listen when you need a safe space.

    The community is a safe, trigger free zone to work on your inner peace and personal growth through a fertility journey and beyond

Both the calls and community are optional - you can take RECLAIM entirely at your own pace in the way that will best work for you.

The live calls and community makes RECLAIM truly stand out, so we'd love to have you; equally, we completely understand if you simply can't or you want to take it all under the radar.



I’m feeling on the fence; is it really possible to change how I feel right now just through an online course? I’ve had an incredibly tough journey so far.

Every  journey is unique and going through this truly is one of the hardest things in the world. My heartfelt empathy and compassion goes out to you. 

Some days you won't feel like getting out of bed. Some days you wonder if you'll ever be able to keep going.

The whole course is designed to gently hold and support you through a deeply transformative shift which should feel calming, energising and motivating. It's about action, but it's also about validation, comfort and being OK not being OK.

Is this appropriate for secondary infertility/same sex couples/ surrogacy/ solo mother by choice?

Yes. It is appropriate for anyone trying to bring home a baby.

How long do we get access to the content for?

For the lifetime of the course. So you can revisit RECLAIM any time you want. Lots of past Reclaimers use parts of the course regularly and have been through it multiple times. If you are a current member of the Life Raft, you're also invited along the next time I run the course live at no extra cost.

I've been through loss; is this right for me?

I'm so sorry you have been through this. Yes, we have supported hundreds of people who have experienced every sort of loss (early pregnancy, later loss, infant loss as well as less recognised losses like embryo loss, abandoned treatment and those who have never been pregnant).

Why you? Why now?

I've shared more about me, my experience and my addiction to helping other women through this below - but in a nutshell...this is all about whether you feel a connection to me through this page, my Instagram, my emails, the video at the top of the page, my podcast. I do all I can to show the internet I'm an authentic person you can trust - sometimes you need to hear from others. I've written for Red magazine, I've worked with the BBC after they commissioned my proposal to create a week of fertility content, I've been featured in Stylist and the Telegraph oh, and my work is award winning! (Most Supportive - TWGGE audience- and shortlisted for Best Fertility Service by the European Fertility Society).

I LOVE working with people who have never even heard of the concept of personal development, boundaries or meditation just as much as working with women who have been body brushing their way through their twenties and thirties; soaking up manifestation woo and spirituality along the way. In short: no matter who you are or what your current habits are, it's likely we're going to connect pretty darn well if you're this far into this page :) why now? I don't want you to have to wait any more. Life is now. Our most valuable currency is time and fertility can rob far too much of it. There really is no more time to waste feeling lost. I've got you.

What if I get pregnant or lose a pregnancy during the course?

This course is appropriate whatever happens to you during the process.

If a pregnancy or loss does happen and you want to let me know, please send me a personal message on email and we can decide together how you’d like to be supported throughout (I can also direct you to further specialist support).

You’re chatting about all sorts of things here which I have no experience there loads of meditation and weird stuff which might not be very ‘me’?

I want RECLAIM to be accessible to everyone. One of my other values is to introduce self development and growth work to even the most skeptical of people!

Thanks to my amazing Insta community who know me as a person and have therefore tried out some of my content before purely on the back of that - I can testify that even if you’ve never journaled, meditated, heard of ‘alignment’ or visualisation before...this stuff can work for you. It’s very practical, actionable and really sensible ways to break down what’s going on in your mind and help you choose healthier, more productive and happier options instead. Plus, it's neuroscience. It just works. I help you to actually do it (and give out prizes!).

Do I need to be very technical to be able to access the course? How does it work exactly?

You will download an app when you buy Reclaim. Once you login with the email you used to sign up for the course, you’ll be able to see all your content clearly laid out. We're also on hand to resolve any technical issues [email protected] .

Will RECLAIM improve my chances of conception by creating a better mind/body balance? Is this going to get me pregnant and if not, why should I spend my money on it?

Honestly? I can certainly guide you to the best mindset possible so you’re in a perfect state for embryo transfers, egg collections or trying to conceive without assisted reproduction. More than that, I truly want to give you the ability to uncover your own deepest PEACE and potential, whatever happens in your journey. So, a baby - while the overall goal and of course the hope for most people who join this course - is not the goal for Reclaim. So why should you invest in this when a baby is all you want in the world? I know it sounds backwards - but this is the right way round. I promise. Your dream is honoured as well as the human in you. We must tend to all our human needs to find and navigate our way through the most challenging times. RECLAIM invites you to do this work and change your life, whatever happens.

There is no doubt that if you do RECLAIM you'll undoubtedly lower stress levels. You'll feel happier. You'll be supported and connected. And with my fantastic contacts in the fertility medicine world (I've been lucky enough to talk to some of the leading experts in the UK and beyond), you're also going to have a direct line to my black book of contacts I can recommend you work with if you want to get that advice too.

Here’s why you should give Reclaim a shot…

You want to be you again.

You want to FEEL that freedom you felt once before... when was it? As a child maybe? Or before infertility. Before this journey became overwhelming and all consuming.

You want to find that feeling of potential for your life and feel like you’re part of something again - not relegated to the sidelines of society because you’re not following the ‘blueprint’ (get married, have kids…).

That’s why you are feeling, let me guess SO excited to have found this course - to start reclaiming your life by moving through a completely supported transformation giving you a fresh mindset - not just for your journey to parenthood - but for the rest of your life; reconnecting you to your truest self, your best gifts you have to offer the world and making you feel whole and at peace.


I cannot wait to guide you through the next six weeks

Learning how to RECLAIM my life completely changed me from the inside out

I went from feeling like a total failure in my work life, feeling angry at my body for failing to conceive, embarrassed at my financial situation compared to my peers... to building up a thriving Instagram account, personally persuading the biggest radio network in the UK to cover fertility through my job as a producer (BBC Radio 2 and BBC 5 Live!) and acting as their fertility comms consultant; getting mentioned and writing for a string of top publications including Red magazine and Stylist; podcasts and blogs and finally, finding myself in a position to be able to set up my solo business full time, all through using the tools I teach inside RECLAIM... which I learnt during my own fertility journey.

Not only did it change how I felt about my challenges of bringing home a baby but I experienced first hand how radically shifting my perspective could affect every part of my life so that my relationships; career and day to day joy was unleashed.

It’s been my big WHY for more than six years now. I want, more than anything else, to help more and more people tap into their potential for success, abundance, happiness and peace even during extremely challenging experiences.

I'm certified...

I am a qualified Transformational Coach. My training is accredited by the highest possible standards in coaching worldwide (ICF) with hundreds of hours of one to one coaching; I've look after my members every single month since 2020 and have dedicated my purpose to transforming the lives of people going through a difficult road to parenthood.

There's not much I haven't heard.

You're safe with me.


If even one iota of this page is resonating with you, you owe it to yourself to take a step and just start to find out a little bit more about what living this way could actually do for you - and for the people around you.

If you decide to go for it, I personally guarantee that the next six weeks have the potential to be the most exciting, life-changing time for you and I can’t wait to be your guide!

Take care, Alice x